Business Development - Management - Investment
Business Development - Management - Investment

Mentoring your Business

Sigmament consults companies and people starting with the business idea to the successful market implementation.

We emphasize the fundamental idea of mentoring to be the mentor and mastermind as a partner for new business opportunities and ideas.

We challenge these plans and concepts, develop common business strategies, especially for Startups and expansion plans, also from established companies.

Competition analysis and profiles are also part of Sigmaments's portfolio as well as preparation for entering new markets or exploiting new products.

Last but not least we create financial strategies and connect venture capital companies with potential customers and/or take an active part as a shareholder ourselves.

A very important success factor for our work is the active coaching and consulting service, especially in the startup phase. This includes operative part time management in sales, technology and project fields.

Our customers have access to our comprehensive network in Europe, USA and Near/Middle East.


Sigmament Consulting GmbH

Am Wachtberg 6 4030 Linz

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